Research Writing Seminar Series 

"What should I include in my Methods section? How many sources should I incorporate into my literature review? Where should I put the research limitations?" Find the answers to these and more research writing-related questions in this seminar series!

NOTE: The Research Writing Seminar Series is offered every fall semester. Stay tuned for next fall's times and locations (announced at the start of the semester).

Part I - Beginning a Scientific Argument in your Introduction Access the recording here

Part II - Writing the Literature Review Access the recording here

Part III - Describing your Methods Access the recording here

Part IV - Unveiling the Results Access the recording here

Part V - Composing the Discussion/Conclusion Access the recording here

Part VI - Revising Manuscripts with the Research Writing Tutor Access the recording here

Grant Writing Seminar Series

Learn the key components necessary for making a compelling argument in your grant proposal! Also, identify appropriate sources of funding and familiarize yourself with the expectations of key, national grant-giving organizations.

Part I - Introduction to Grant Writing: The Basics Access the recording here

Part II - Preparing Grant Proposals for NSF Access the recording here

Part III - Preparing Grant Proposals for NIH Access the recording here

Part IV - Preparing Grant Proposals for USDA/NIFA Access the recording here

Part V - Panel of Successful Grant Writers Access the recording here

Part VI - Finding Funding Workshop 

Job Application Materials Seminar Series 

Discover valuable tips on how to highlight your professional skills and abilities and market yourself as the most qualified candidate through polished job application materials. You'll be ready for the job market in no time!

Part I -  Composing the Cover Letter Access the recording here

Part II - Compiling your CV/Résumé Access the recording here

Part III - Crafting your Teaching Philosophy Statement Access the recording here

Part IV - Writing the Research Statement Access the recording here

Part V - Preparing for the Interview Access the recording here

Part VI - Building a Professional Network Access the recording here

Interpersonal Communication Seminar Series 

"How do I have a difficult conversation with my group member/professor/landlord?" "How can I express my opinion effectively and tactfully?" "How do I initiate/maintain/end small talk?" Learn face-to-face interaction skills in this multi-part series and practice them to become a better-prepared communicator in any challenging or nerve-wreaking conversations, discussions, or events.

Part I - Planning and Participating in Difficult Discussions Access the recording here

Part II - You Should Have Heard Them Listen: Verbal and Nonverbal Approaches Access the recording here

Part III - Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones and Words Will Never Hurt Me: Verbal Messages Access the recording here

Part IV - “It’s Not What You Said; It’s How You Said It:" Nonverbal Communication Access the recording here

Part V - It Takes Two: Conflict Management Access the recording here

Part VI - Small Talk That Takes You Big Places: Social Communication Access the recording here

Writing the Literature Review Workshop Series

If you dread finding material for your lit review, watch Part I of the series where you’ll learn about search strategies, how to find and search subject databases, and how to keep up with literature in your field. Then watch Part II where we'll discuss purposes of the lit review, overview qualities of a successful lit review, and provide easy-to-apply techniques to help you craft an effective argument in your lit review with as little stress as possible.

Part I - Conducting a lit review: A Citation Here, a Citation There. . .Pretty Soon You’ll Have a Lit Review Access the recording here

Part II - Lit Review Without Tears: Tangible Strategies for Writing a Pain-Free Literature Review Access the recording here

Part III - Recycle, Repurpose, Self-Plagiarize? Defining and Avoiding Self-Plagiarism in the Age of iThenticate Access the recording here

Oral Presentation Seminar Series

Do you struggle with preparations for presenting at meetings or conferences?  Have parts of your presentation seemed to leave people underwhelmed or worse confused?  Do you want to learn tips and techniques for presenting your work in ways that are memorable and engaging? Learn presentation skills in this two-part series.

Part I - "Once upon a time...and they all lived happily ever after:" Effective introductions and conclusions Access the recording here

Part II - Delivering the big picture: Using illustrative visuals, engaging oration, and more Access the recording here

Writing with Advanced Technology Workshops

Whether you are writing a paper for class, a research report, a grant proposal, or job application document, understanding how to exploit sophisticated advanced software can help you grow your confidence as a writer. Each workshop in this series orients you to a valuable technological tool to ease your writing process.

Part I - Grammarly Access the recording here

Part II -  The Research Writing Tutor Access the recording here

Part III -  The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) Access the recording here

Part IV -  LaTeX Access the recording here

Self-Editing Workshops

Build skills in becoming an independent, self-critical reviewer of your own writing!

Part I - "in Iowa State" or "at Iowa State??"—How to find out which English words "hang out together". . .and which don't Access the recording here

Part II - That terrible "the"—Finding answers to your English grammar questions Access the recording here