OECT Registration

The OECT is only offered in-person, face-to-face on ISU's campus. Test registration is offered through the OECT Portal. 

OECT Testing Dates

Note: To receive notifications about test selection, international teaching assistants (ITAs) must register for the OECT. A late registration will lead to missed emails regarding test slot availability.

Registration DateTest DateLocation (Check-In)

January OECT is open for registration. 

(Email itas@iastate.edu for registration code.)

January 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15

Additional dates will be released gradually.

Pearson 1115

Only international graduate students who have teaching assistantship offers from their department and Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) applicants can take the OECT. 

Who cannot take the test?

  • Graduate students who are looking for teaching assistantship offers but do not yet have confirmed offers
  • Research assistants and administrative assistants.

  1. Test registration is offered through the OECT Portal, which requires entering TOEFL or IELTS scores. ITAs who are re-taking the test may choose the "exempt" option. 
  2. A valid NetID and student ID number are required for test registration for all test takers. Students should confirm their information in order to proceed to the registration part. Submit only one registration per testing period.
  3. Once the online registration form is completed and submitted, students are notified by email when test scheduling begins and will be asked to select a test date and time, after which they will receive another email confirming their test time.


  1. First-time test takers must provide their TOEFL/IELTS scores unless they are exempt from the English proficiency requirement.
  2. A valid NetID (ISU email address before "@iastate.edu") and correct student ID number (on the student's ISU ID card) are required for test registration for all test takers. 

* If you do not have a NetID, please visit this page - Register Your Net-ID to get one before attempting to register for the OECT.

The test cycles are prioritized for the following groups:

  • January and August - Incoming and new International Teaching Assistants (ITAs)
  • July - Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) applicants and other ITAs who want to retest
  • May and December - ITAs enrolled in GR ST 5400 courses and PFF applicants

* Note: Starting Fall 2024, Engl 180 will be called GR ST 5400.

Contact itas@iastate.edu for possible options.