Oral English Communication Competence of International Teaching Assistants


The Board of Regents Policy 3.21 English Language Proficiency (Oral Communication Competence) mandates that all teaching assistants shall demonstrate competence in oral communication, i.e. ability to communicate appropriately in the language of instruction.

The ISU Faculty Handbook specifies related requirements in Chapter 5, Section 5.6 Evaluation of a Teaching Assistant and in Chapter 10, Section 10.7.1 Oral Communication Competence.

Iowa Code § 262.9(24) (PDF)

  • All persons who provide instruction to students attending Regent universities shall demonstrate competence in oral communication. Oral communication competence is the ability to communicate appropriately in the language of instruction to students attending Regent universities.
  • This policy shall apply to all faculty and teaching assistants employed by Regent universities who provide instruction to students in courses taught during the relevant academic period. Faculty are defined as those persons with instructional appointments on a tenured, probationary, or non-tenure track.
  • Each faculty member and teaching assistant shall be evaluated for oral communication competence by the end of each academic period in which he or she has sufficient direct contact with students to render such evaluation meaningful. This policy does not mandate evaluation for persons whose instructional responsibilities do not involve enough direct oral communication with students to provide a basis for meaningful evaluation of oral communication competence. The nature and scope of the evaluation of oral communication competence may vary with the discipline, instructional setting, and material being communicated. In all cases, however, the evaluation procedure shall incorporate a mechanism for evaluation by students.
  • Each university’s provost shall implement this policy and, in particular, ensure that adequate standards of oral communication competence are maintained.
  • However, a university may discontinue annual evaluations of a specific person providing instruction. The criteria for discontinuation of annual evaluations shall include receipt by the institution of two consecutive positive annual evaluations from the majority of students evaluating the person.

Chapter 5. Section 5.6 Evaluation of a Teaching Assistant

The supervision of teaching assistants and the maintenance of teaching proficiency standards are the responsibilities of the hiring department. To that end, departments or programs in which teaching assistants perform their duties will evaluate their teaching proficiency at the end of each academic period. The nature and scope of these evaluations will vary with instructional settings and materials being taught. Evaluations of teaching assistants will encompass the following aspects of teaching as mandated by the Board of Regents policy:

  • knowledge of the subject material at a level appropriate for the course being taught
  • proficiency in oral and written communication in formal and informal instructional settings
  • ability to evaluate student performance appropriately
  • facility with appropriate instructional materials and equipment

The departmental faculty has the responsibility to mentor and arrange instructional assistance for students who teach. Policies for evaluation need to be developed at the department level to ensure both the quality of instruction and the sustained development of the teaching assistants' professional skills. Written standards and procedures for these evaluations should be developed in a collegial way at the department level and be provided to teaching assistants at the outset of their teaching appointments. Special attention should be paid to assure that the standards, review procedures, and the evaluations themselves are fully communicated to the teaching assistants involved. Evaluations should consider the teaching assistants' knowledge of the subject matter, their ability with written and spoken English, and the social dynamics of the classroom including matters of age, gender, and cultural diversity. Student input will be included in evaluation.

Chapter 10. Section 10.7.1 Oral Communication Competence 

The Board of Regents, State of Iowa Policy on Oral Communication Competence mandates that all faculty and teaching assistants who provide instruction to students during each relevant academic period will be evaluated for oral communication competence. In the context of this policy, oral communication competence is understood to be the ability to communicate appropriately in the language of instruction. The nature and scope of the evaluation of oral communication competence may vary with the discipline, instructional setting, and material being communicated. The following guidelines apply:

  • Written standards and procedures for making the determination of oral communication competence will be developed at the departmental or program level in a collegial manner and will incorporate a mechanism for evaluation of instructors by students.
  • Departments will complete such evaluations within the time frame designated by the Regents policy, i.e., "by the end of each academic period in which [the instructor] has sufficient direct contact with students to render such evaluation meaningful."
  • Procedures developed within departments must be written and implemented cooperatively by the teaching faculty and the departmental administration.
  • The evaluation of oral competence need not function separately from other evaluation procedures as long as such established procedures meet the Regents requirements for timeliness and student input, and they explicitly address the matter of oral communication.
  • The departmental chairs and program directors, college deans, and the provost are responsible for the implementation of this policy and for ensuring that adequate standards of oral communication competence are maintained.

In compliance with this policy, the Graduate College administers the Oral English Certification Test (OECT) for international teaching assistants (ITAs). ITAs who do not pass the OECT are placed into a level-appropriate section of GR ST 5400. English for Teaching Purposes courses, which ITAs are expected to take concurrently with their teaching duties.


  • Academic departments are responsible for:
    • ensuring that their ITAs take the OECT before they begin their teaching appointments
    • proving the list of ITAs who need to be tested, including their TOEFL iBT or IELTS scores, to itas@iastate.edu (the scores are needed to identify students who qualify for a full or partial exemption from the OECT)
      • Note: providing this information ensures timely OECT scheduling, reporting of results, assignment of ITAs instructor roles in Workday, and access to Canvas course shells 
    • appointing ITAs to teaching roles considering OECT score-based recommendations  
    • monitoring and tracking their ITAs' OECT status (DOGEs and graduate support staff can access OECT scores via the OECT Portal; questions or requests for more information should be sent to itas@iastate.edu)
    • accommodating ITAs' schedules (ITAs may be placed in GR ST 5400 courses, which they should take concurrently with their teaching appointments).
  • ITAs are responsible for:
    • registering for the test through the OECT Portal (registration dates and instructions are available here)
    • registering for GR ST 5400 if OECT scores are below Level 1
    • retaking the OECT at the end of the semester in which they take GR ST 5400
    • if exempt from the OECT, providing the exemption certificate to their department.
  • The OECT office is responsible for:
    • scheduling and administering the OECT
    • reporting OECT results to departments 
    • reporting OECT results to ITAs
    • placing ITAs in GR ST 5400 sections if their OECT scores are below Level 1
    • processing requests for OECT exemption and issuing exemption certificates for qualifying ITAs.