• The man wearing gray dress shirt and blue jeans.

    Academic Communication Practices (AcComP) Certification Track

    Longitudinal support program aimed to foster students’ graduate success from admission to degree completion with a focus on academic communication and Graduate College’s dissertation/thesis/creative component requirements.

  • Adult computers group

    AcComP Participation

    Credit-bearing courses acquaint incoming students with Graduate College requirements and CCE programming, and help them build a trajectory towards a successful completion of their graduate degree.

  • man using ballpoint pen

    Thesis & Creative Component Progress Roadmap

    Key stages of graduate success trajectory leading to a thesis or creative component, aligned with Graduate College requirements and needs-tailored CCE support.

  • two-women-looking-and-pointing-at-macbook-laptop

    Dissertation Progress Roadmap

    Key stages of graduate success trajectory leading to a dissertation, aligned with Graduate College requirements and needs-tailored CCE support.