AcComP Courses

GR ST 531X. Thriving in Graduate School (1 credit)

(Fall.) Part one of a four-part series of courses in the Center for Communication Excellence’s (CCE’s) Academic Communication Practices (AcComP) Certification Track. Focus on identifying and overcoming challenges associated with the transition to graduate school. Orientation to Graduate College standards, resources, and requirements. Determining goals for graduate education.

GR ST 532X. Mapping Graduate School Trajectory (1 credit)

(Spring.) Part two of a four-part series of courses in the Center for Communication Excellence’s (CCE’s) Academic Communication Practices (AcComP) Certification Track. Focus on planning for empirical research and responsible research standards. Utilizing Graduate College, CCE, and university resources to succeed in graduate school.  Orientation to creative component/thesis/dissertation expectations and guidelines. Identifying strategies to achieving goals in graduate education.

GR ST 533X. Sustaining Productivity through Accountability in Graduate School (1 credit)

(Fall.) Part three of a four-part series of courses in the Center for Communication Excellence’s (CCE’s) Academic Communication Practices (AcComP) Certification Track. Focus on reporting and disseminating research findings, maintaining accountability, and producing high quality communication. Preparation for creative component/thesis/dissertation phase and meeting of Graduate College requirements. Executing strategies to achieving goals in graduate education.

GR ST 534X. Attaining Success in Graduate School (1 credit)

(Spring.) Part four of a four-part series of courses in the Center for Communication Excellence’s (CCE’s) Academic Communication Practices (AcComP) Certification Track. Focus on preparing creative component/thesis/dissertation and readying for the job market. Preparation for final oral exam phase and meeting the graduation requirements. Achieving goals in graduate education.

If you are interested in learning more about the AcComP Certification Track and how to get involved, please explore our associated webpages or contact 

Note: It is not required that GR ST 531X - GR ST 534X are taken in chronological order, though it is recommended.